Macedonian Scientific and Literary Society

The Macedonian Scientific and Literary Society, sometimes called as Slavic-Macedonian Scholarly and Literary Society[2] was an organization of the Macedonians in Russia. Its creation was influenced by the Macedonian Club, a literary society in Belgrade and it fought for creation of independent Macedonia[3], encompassing the entire geographic and ethnic region of Macedonia, according to maps drawn by the society itself.[4] One of its founders was Dimitrija Čupovski who was its president from 1902 to 1917.

The Macedonian Literary and Scientific Society was the most prominent society of the Macedonians abroad.[5] It was established in St. Petersburg on 28 October 1902 and was presided over by Dimitrija Čupovski.The society expended its work in Sofia, Odessa,[6] Skopje, Veles and Thessaloniki.[7] As part of its scholarly and literary activities, the society supported the introduction of the Macedonian language as its official one[8]

It published the first book in a precursor of the modern Macedonian literary language (Za Makedonskite Raboti - On Macedonian Matters) in 1903 by Krste Misirkov. The book was published in the central dialects of Macedonia, which would later form the core of the Macedonian Literary Language, as proposed in the book itself.[9] The book also used a modified Cyrillic script which served as a basis for standardization of the Macedonian alphabet.[10]

In 1905 the Society published Vardar, the first scholarly, scientific and literary journal in the central dialects of Macedonia, which later would contribute in the standardization of the Macedonian Language, [11] while in 1913 it produced the first ethnic and geographic map of Macedonia. In addition it published the most renown journal in Macedonian and Russian called "Makedonskye golos" or in English "Macedonian voice". Also it designed its own flag and supported the idea of independent Macedonian state.[12]

Тhis scholarly institution with its literary and national cultural activity is considered the foundation upon which the history of the modern Macedonian Academy was built upon.[13][14][15]


  2. ^ Tha Balkan states and the Macedonian question, prof. Antony Giza
  3. ^ Makedonski Golos, 1 edition, 9 June, 1913, Russia
  4. ^ Shea, Jamie. Macedonia and Greece. pp. 204. 
  5. ^ Biography of Krste Misirkov
  6. ^ through the work by Krste Misirkov
  7. ^ Димитрија Чуповски - борец за правата и слободата на македонскиот народ и најголем афирматор на македонската национална мисла
  8. ^ "The National Programme of the Macedonian Scholarly and Literary Society in St.Petersburg". 2007-09-07. Retrieved 2008-10-26. 
  9. ^ Misirkov, K. "Few words about the Macedonian literary language", "On Macedonian matters", Sofia, 1903.
  10. ^ "About Macedonan Matters/За Македонцките Работи". 2008-10-27. 
  11. ^ Iz istorii makedonskogo literaturnogo iazyka, R.P. Usikova, 2004
  12. ^ Makedonski Golos, 1 edition, 9 June, 1913, Russia, p.19
  13. ^ МАНУ одбележа 40 години од своето постоење at
  14. ^ 100 years of foundation of the Macedonian Scientific and Literary Society. One century MANU.
  15. ^ Important dates in the Macedonian history

See also

External links